This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #IDSimplyPure #CollectiveBias
Mornings can be tough. Trust me, I know. The one thing that I have done over the past few years to help me start the day off right is getting myself into a good Morning Routine. It’s easy to say you are going to do it, but putting your routine into motion every single day is a different story. If your mornings aren’t running as smoothly as you’d like, Here’s 5 Reasons You Should Have a Morning Routine!
You Accomplish More When You Have a Plan. I think many of us are trying to squeeze so much into our day. We’re busy and easily feel overwhelmed when we don’t complete everything we would like to. Exercise, for example, is often an after thought when you have a busy schedule. It doesn’t have to be though. If you make a plan when you go to bed every night to exercise each morning (even if it is for only 30 minutes), you’re more likely to do so than if you have the mindset of exercising at the end of your day only if you have time. The truth is, a quick run or walk first thing in the morning will always help you start your day off feeling more confident, focused and energized.
Your Body Will Thank You. Your body needs a good amount of rest too. Going to bed and getting up at the same time each morning will keep your mind and body feeling it’s best. No matter how hectic or crazy your day may have been, a good night’s sleep will leave you less fatigued and ready for what a new day brings the next morning.
You’ll Have Time To Enjoy Simple Things. Before I had a good morning routine, I never looked forward to the mornings. They were rushed, crazy and sometimes just downright exhausting, especially with 4 children to get ready each day. I made the decision to get up 1 hour earlier each morning to enjoy some simple things that I had been missing.
With that little bit of extra time, I now can enjoy a good stretch after my morning walk, a longer shower, and some quiet time on my patio while sipping on a fresh (and hot) cup of coffee.
International Delight’s NEW Simply Pure Coffee Creamer added to your freshly brewed cup is the perfect way to start the day. It includes only 5 simple ingredients that you can feel good about and it’s made with real milk, cream and sugar.
Simply Pure doesn’t lose its flavor either! When you use Simply Pure in your coffee, you don’t have to use extra creamer to get great flavor in your coffee.
Find Simply Pure at Walmart in three simply delicious flavors…Vanilla, Caramel and Hazelnut. Yum! I look so forward to my coffee each day.
You’ll Be In A Better Mood. Taking the time to enjoy simple pleasures in life first thing in the morning will also help to start your day on a positive note. You’ll have a better outlook on things and have a smile on your face, making you more enjoyable to be around all day. That positive energy will rub off on people too!
You’re Whole Day Will Be Better. You’re new Morning Routine will not only make a difference in the beginning of your day. Soon you’ll start to see changes throughout your day as well. It’s like a domino effect. You may even begin to see those pleasant changes in your family members too.
Taking time for yourself, sticking to your routine and sending your spouse & children off each day with a nice goodbye with mention of dinner plans or an activity after work & school that everyone will look forward to will change your life. You just have to do it.
So what are you waiting for?
Get Started with your own Morning Routine today!
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I had a tough time deciding on a favorite. I decided to put the vanilla and caramel in my coffee together…so amazing! Now I don’t have to choose! #client
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