This review was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Mr. Clean. I was provided the featured product and compensations to facilitate this post, but all opinions are 100% mine.
In a less than a few weeks, My house will be full of guests for the Holidays. With all of the cooking, baking and gift wrapping that goes on before hand, sometimes I save the cleaning until the very last minute. I have tried getting all of my last minute cleaning done ahead of time, but with 4 energetic children, it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Today I’m sharing my favorite 5 Ways to make your Home Shine this Holiday with the help of my favorite (and I mean favorite) little cleaning helper, Magic Eraser! The best part…these tips are quick & easy!
This little rectangular cleaning wizard is my go to cleaner when it comes to any tough stains, marks, or anything that just doesn’t look new or clean anymore. There are a million ways to use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, but here are my favorites That will help you out when you are entertaining this Holiday season:
1. Top to Bottom. Take a look around your family room. Dust quickly from the top to the bottom (you can always get the kiddos to help with this too) and take a peak at your baseboards and the trim around your windows and doors. Mine usually have a crayon mark or two and some scuffs on them. Get out your Magic Eraser and wipe them away to make them look just like new!
2. Chances are people will be in and out of your kitchen at some point of your Holiday party. All of that cooking and baking may have left your stove top and oven not looking so great. Even splatters on stainless steel can be easily wiped away with a Magic Eraser with minimal effort.
3. China. I always get my Christmas China out for our Holiday parties. Sometimes I find a scratch or mark on a plate that well, just doesn’t look nice. I simply wash the dish or plate with the Magic Eraser and then with soap and water and the marks are gone.
4. Bathrooms. They are the busiest rooms of the house and you want them looking good when all of your guests use it this Holiday. Keep a magic eraser in the bathroom (strictly for bathroom use) and quickly wipe the sink handles and those gunky soap drips before your party and even during the party if you happen to take a little trip to the ladies room to keep it looking it’s best.
5. This is my favorite Magic Eraser quick cleaning tip! On my silver! Some of my silverware and serving spoons only get taken out for special occasions. Sometimes the silver is tarnished when I get it out for a special occasion. I don’t have a lot of time to polish everything, so I tried Magic Eraser on my silver the other day and it cleaned up in just a few seconds. I couldn’t believe it! In previous years I had spent a lot more time polishing, when this took care of all of my silver in a matter of minutes. Look how great my Hors D’oeuvres Serving Set looks now!
If you love Magic Eraser like I do, make sure you implement them into you Holiday House prep this year. I know I wouldn’t mind a few boxes of Magic Eraser under my Christmas Tree this year! 🙂 What are your favorite ways to use Magic Eraser when preparing your house for the Holidays? For more cleaning ideas follow Mr. Clean on Facebook & Twitter.
I clean kitchen counters with it.
To clean the bathtub! My husband works with grease and the magic eraser works awesome to get it clean!
I love to use the Mr. Clean erasers in the bathroom. They’re awesome at scrubbing the tub and tile.
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When cleaning the sink and stove
Love how the Magic Eraser cleans my sinks and tub clean.
I like to clean my bathroom with them!
I like to use them on the smudges around our doorknobs.
I love using it on walls to clean off crayons marks and dirty hand prints.
I love to use Magic Erasers to clean my kids bathtubs! They work magic!
I use them to get rid of marks on the walls and also for the kids sneakers
I’ve used magic eraser on our doors to get scuff marks off of the doors! Magic eraser works!
I love cleaning the tub with the Magic Eraser.
In the tub and shower, my husband is a mechanic and every time he gets clean they get destroyed. The eraser leaves them nice and shiny
I like to use it to clean mugs for coffee and tea stains.
I use it for our baseboards.
To clean the walls and kitchen counter.
I love to use Magic Erasers to clean my outdoor furniture.
I’ve never used Magic Eraser, but I’d like to try it on some marks on my walls.
I use it to get smudges off my walls.
I love using it on the floors!
my favorite use is cleaning the bathroom counters. Mr Clean magic erasers take powdery makeup like its nothing.
I like cleaning the kitchen counters and walls with magic erasers ^_^
I like to use them while cleaning the bathroom.
My favorite way to use the Mr. Clean Magic erasers is on my white shoes, it gets them clean and white again.
I love how it can remove yuch from the shower floor. But the silver? I did not know it was safe to use on silver! This information is pretty much life changing.
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I use it to clean my walls.
I use it to clean out my microwave.
I like to use it to clean my bathtub.
I like to use Mr. Clean Magic Erasers for general cleaning of our countertops (bathroom and kitchen).
I like to use them to clean the bathtub.
I love using it to clean off my desk after I have a makeup session
We use it weekly to clean our bath tub.
Works fabulous for getting child fingerprints off the walls:)
We use them all over the house, but my favorite use is one our front door to get the scuff marks off.
i use it in the bathroom
I use it to get crayon marks off walls
I Like To Use The Magic Eraser To Clean My Wall, Works Great On Scuff Marks.
I love to use these erasers getting marks off my grandsons toys, especially their pull toys that bang into other things.
I clean crayon paintings off the wall
I use it to clean my bathtub, sink and faucets. It cleans so good!
I use it to clean dirty fingerprints off the walls.
I love using Mr Clean Magic Erasers for getting scuff marks out of the vinyl flooring by my home’s front door. Nothing else seems to work! It’s great!
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I use it to clean crayons off my wall.
get scuffs out of the walls my kids love to push the chairs against walls, ugh,
It really works well getting crayon off the wall!