These snowballs are so darn cute and are one of my children’s favorite things to play with. Actually, our cat loves to hide these around the house too! My wonderful and crafty mother made me a few sets of these and we love having snowball fights in the house! These soft, fluffy little balls of fun are simple to make and can even be washed on a delicate cycle in a laundry bag. You will need:
-white fleece fabric, cut into circles
-some type of pillow stuffing
-a needle and thread
-permanent colored markers
Cut the fabric into circles- the size depends on how big you would like your snowballs. Stitch around the edge of the circles and make a ball in your hand to stuff. Continue to stuff the ball as you are stitching and tightening the opening until the snowball is completely filled.
Close up the opening in the back and then create snowmen faces on your snowballs. I hope your family has a great time with these!
Hello, do you sell your snowballs? If so, how much are you asking for them.