It’s that time of year again- Back to School! This year I am bound and determined to be more prepared and organized. I always have lists written out and a good plan, but it’s actually doing it all that sometimes doesn’t happen for me. Not this year. I have all of the clothing and school supply shopping done and my freezer almost stocked full with breakfast foods to casseroles! I’m now stocking up on some of our favorite Baked Oatmeals. I want to start this school year off on the right foot and with healthy breakfasts!! How are your Back to School plans going?
If you like to meal plan and freezer cook, than these yummy Baked Oatmeal recipes can be made ahead of time so you can enjoy filling breakfasts on a busy morning!
These are my family’s favorite, tried and true, go to
Baked Oatmeal Recipes,
which all happen to be freezer friendly!
OverNight Banana Bread Baked Oatmeal
Blueberry Almond Baked Oatmeal
Peanut Butter & Banana Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal
Strawberry Shortcake Baked Oatmeal
Cranberry Almond Baked Oatmeal
Blackberry & Peach Cobbler Baked Oatmeal
Do you have a favorite Baked Oatmeal? I would love to hear about it and give it a try! 🙂
*Linking up at Pint Sized Baker
What a great variety of baked oatmeal recipes! We love baked oatmeal but I guess I’m pretty boring since the most adventurous I have been with my recipes is to add chocolate chips. 🙂 We do often put fruit of some sort on top though so I guess that would be kind of like making it with it in. But I really need to try some of your ideas!
Lydia @ Thrifty Frugal Mom recently posted…7 Ways to Reduce Food Waste (and save money)
Thank you so much Lydia! Baked Oatmeal just goes over great with my kids. It’s always really easy to make and it keeps them nice and full. The possibilities really are endless and hey, you can’t ever go wrong with chocolate chips! 🙂