Hi there! Last year I started a Stock Your Freezer Friday Series for 6 weeks before the busy holiday season arrived. My goal was to “Freezer Cook” once a week for a few hours, and make at least 3 or 4 recipes during each session to stock up my freezer. I know how busy things get around our house as soon as the middle of November comes around, so I wanted to make sure my family had great homemade food, ready to go so I could enjoy the season and not feel frazzled! 🙂 The Series worked out great for me and I hope if you did it along with me that you enjoyed it and it helped you out as well.
Here’s How It Works:
Every Friday for the next 6 weeks, I will have a cooking plan posted. Along with this cooking plan there will be a “master” ingredient list which includes all of the ingredients from all of the recipes we will be working on that week. I chose to post Freezer Fridays on Friday, because then everyone has the whole weekend to work on it or to split it up and work on it all week.
I use some of my own recipes, and recipes from other bloggers as well. All recipes have been tried and approved by my family, which includes a few picky eaters too! All recipes will have a clickable link to direct you to the actual recipe page where you can read about the recipe and follow the recipe’s exact instructions. If you or you family does not like a recipe we are working on, replace it with something freezer friendly that your family does like! No Problem 🙂 Same thing goes for family size. If the meals are too big, divide them in half and freeze 2 of the same thing. This is a very versatile little project and the goal here is to stock your freezer with food for your family.
I hope you follow along and commit yourself to this 6 Week Series! Even if you have never “freezer cooked” before, give it a try! I think you will be surprised at how easy it really is and how helpful this can be to you and your family! Don’t forget to let me know how your progress is going each week- I would love to hear about it! Click HERE for Week #1 to get Started!
Here’s A Look At Last Year’s Stock Your Freezer Friday’s:
I love the idea of Freezer Friday’s. What a great idea!
Thanks Pam! 🙂