Well, welcome to November! I can’t believe it’s here, but it is! The trees are almost bare and everything is starting to look sort of brown around here. Every once in a while the sky turns that dark, bluish gray and it makes even the pale yellow remaining leaves and gray tree bark stand out….
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Spice Applesauce
This past weekend started out a bit on the chilly side, so I wanted to make something warm in my Slow Cooker. I already had a soup simmering on the stove earlier for dinner, so I thought something for a snack or dessert would be perfect. We went apple picking a few weeks ago so we have…
Slow Cooker Cranberry Applesauce
I’m addicted to making applesauce in the slow cooker. It’s easy, there’s nothing on the stove to keep and eye on and it’s just downright delicious! Over the past few months I have made several different types of flavored applesauce, but I am especially excited about this one. This Cranberry Applesauce is wonderful any day…
Spiced Applesauce Bars
My family went apple picking last weekend, so I have been busy in my kitchen cooking and baking with those fresh, fragrant apples. With a bushel and a half of apples on my counter, my kitchen smells like an apple orchard and I continue to be inspired to bake up more wonderful apple goodness. I…
Slow Cooker Strawberry Applesauce
It is not quite strawberry season here in Western New York, but the produce section of the grocery store has had plenty of ripe juicy strawberries available lately. My children absolutely love strawberries so I have been busy incorporating them into some yummy recipes! Today I am going to share with you a very simple Slow…